Monday, February 27, 2012


Well it has been some time since I have put fingers to keyboard and made a post. So much has happened and yet nothing has happened.
I have reassessed a lot in my life, thoughts, feelings, processess, friendships, dreams, activities, plans etc etc etc I have let go of a lot of things and yet I have taken on board a lot of things, we as humans are terrible at dealing with, what is commonly called now days, baggage.  When you scan through candidates on dating sights, most of the men say they want to meet someone who has dealt with their baggage...............What the hell does that mean? Dealt with baggage!!! How can you have lived life and not have feelings about what you have been through in the past. Sure there are many who live their lives as victims based on what their life experience has been and will retell and retell AND retell the story to any new set of ears so that the 'ohhhhs' and the 'ahhhhhhs' and the 'tsk tsk' and the back patting and rubbing starts all over again and they feel that they are up on the pedastal and the emotional need is filled once again, but some of us, who have been through a bit of emotional shit, can usually have the baggage, and sometimes, just sometimes,in a weak momment, it will rear it's ugly head, well you know what.............You deal with it, that's what friends do, deal with it and be there for when they are needed. However that is not the point of this blog.
Actually there really isn't any point to this particular blog, I just felt the need to reach out and say hi and give my thoughts on the world for others to read and judge, comment, laugh, giggle or just go ho hum.
I am a short time away from a week in Phuket, can't wait, just want to run away and be someone that doesn't have a care in the world. That doesn't and hasn't happened very often, and there are those that have made sure they have done everything they possibly could to ensure that I am left to pay for my sins until the day I die. That's how they get their jollies, poor little petals, but how they under estimate my strength of character. I may whinge a little, I may complain, but I always, ALWAYS get up, dust myself off and face the next day, I have only ever run away from one thing in my life, that was done when I was 12 years old, and I am not going to let it happen again.
So, since I last wrote,I have maybe crossed a thing or two off the bucket list, but I know that I have added quite a few more. I have done the day and night photography course, but I have added so many other things, but I have taken the hot air ballooning off for the time being. Little to scary. I have my head in the book studying for my open water diving certificate and I am going to Phuket. I have started a get healthy regime that I feel that I am loosing, but I am not going to let that beat me and I have managed to come off some medication and survived. I am starting to look at the big trip overseas in 2014 and whilst I am still alone, I have met some wonderful and some not so wonderful men and shared a coffee or a meal with them. I have met some men who like to tell women that they want a relationship, but it is only false advertising because if they don't have that on their profiles, then women won't want to date them, or so I have been told. But I value myself more than to just allow myself to be used as a bottom sheet. I could spend days on my back if I accepted the many invitations that I have received. I also will not be used as a fill in when there is no one else around and the usual suspects are busy, you need to value me more than that because I do ;-)
Well that is a bit of a wharble, so much said and yet nothing really said at all.
Until next time..............................

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